Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 4 EOC: There is an App for That.

Have you ever zoned out in class, stepped out for a bathroom break, or just completely did not get what the teacher was saying? I know I have…

It has been 12 years since I graduated from high school and 8 years since I graduated from college. I find that with the advances in technology, my usual note taking methods don’t seem to cut it in the classroom. When I decided to go back to school, I did not know what to expect. I was, however, shocked when my accounting teacher told me that I would need to create a twitter account and maintain a blog! Essentially, everything is online… right? What if there was an app that could take the notes for me and create an online database.

 Hand written notes have always been my method for retaining information as well as a great reference for studying. However, it is not always efficient. It is impossible to write everything down and sometimes I do miss pertinent information. It would also be unfair to stop the teacher’s momentum and interrupt the class just so I can take notes from the lecture. I have even gone as far as to take pictures of a presentation; however, I then must go back and type up the notes or write them down. Double work…

 I propose "Take-a-Note," an app that allows you to take a picture of a presentation or record a lecture. The app will then transcribe the recording or picture to an online database. The app will also allow you to highlight in color and edit pertinent information before transcription. Say goodbye to regular note-taking methods. Take-a-Note will do it all for you. The app will also incorporate a calendar that will give the date and time, as well as give reminders of upcoming assignments, exams or quizzes. The app is perfect for students or business working professionals.

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